Blood of Lilith is a Valhalla Vagina Metal band from Denver, Colorado. It is made up of three female mortals, meddling drummer Amber Chance, bassist, Tiffany Rubio and founding member and highly underrated vocalist and guitarist, Lisa Haley. While the trio has grown in their ongoing evolution to write songs collectively, it was Lisa’s initial ability to hammer out thrash-approved riffs and honest-to-goodness melodies, that gave them a quick assent into the spotlight they are currently enjoying. And while yes, we’ve seen female metal bands before, we haven’t seen enough of them. This is the perfect time in not only the local scene, but the national arena, for a gritty, charming band like Blood of Lilith

Unfortunately, the group has a penchant for conducting dark rituals in the garage they rehearse in. Sometimes, they do so in the middle of the day. They call it “The Bytching Hour.” It was on such a day the band recently attempted to perform a ceremony designed to send me back to hell. They found it on the dark web and it requires, along with a long procession of incantations, for them to sacrifice a boy toy adorned with a magnificent, virgin, hairy buttocks. Finding such a consensual yummy-yum was the easy part. Local yummy-yum, Tyler Mercier has been eager to die in such a ritual for a long time. He had all the important elements too…except for one. His long hair.

Long hair reminds the gay unholy of female mortals. And female mortals remind us of vagina. And vagina reminds us of all the boy toys we don’t get to date… and it infuriates us. Because of this faux pas, the ritual instead brought me to them, where I, of course, slaughtered them. Here is the final interview and death photos of Blood of Lilith.

~Maris The Great



What female mortals with vaginas are your rock heroes?

Lisa: Brody Dalle, Lita Ford, Joan Jett, Maria Brink

Krista: I love Joan Jett, Lita Ford, Morgan from Kittie is my all time female idol. I’m also a huge Debbie Harry fan! She’s a goddess. For the lighter sound of rock, I’m a huge Stevie Nicks fan. And as far as some pretty heavy hitters, Krysta from IWABO back in the day was a huge inspiration for me.

I have killed both Kittie and IWABO!

Amber: Honestly, Haley Willams was a huge one for me in highschool too!

Why do you think most bands are made up of male mortals?

Tiffany: Personally, I think that it’s more male dominant in the metal world because society has always tried to push certain gender norms, like girls are supposed to be “soft, sweet, dainty, fragile.” We aren’t supposed to be tough, rough, loud, or kickass.

Lisa: When teenage girls watch us play, it’s like they’re seeing for the first time that women can do these things too. I love our teenage fans!

Amber: Growing up, you see all these men playing the music you like. I remember when I’d see a female-fronted heavier band, as a girl, I’d be obsessed – even if the music wasn’t that good. It was for the sole fact that it was women playing the metal music that I also liked! Women can do it too, and sometimes do it better!

But there have been female mortal icons for years now. What has changed and what hasn’t?

Lisa: Young generations weren’t around for the MTV days

Amber: I think they’ve seen female “fronted” bands, but it’s a whole new world when the entire band is made up of women playing kick ass music.

Tiffany: It seems that ALL female bands are still like diamonds in the rough..

You all seem to like each other. What is the key to bands remaining together?

Amber: Well we’re friends outside of the band too. We’re all pretty good about talking and keeping a line of communication open. We like the same things, and the three of us have good musical chemistry together too!

What do you fight about?

Lisa: We might have a difference of opinion on which gigs we wanna do, or what outfits we wanna wear. There have been no big blow outs at all, and we’ve all been close friends for years now.

Amber: Agree, there has been like, one big thing, but we were all able to come together and work it out! I guess another good trait to have is to work through the hard situations instead of just giving up!

Where did the band name come from?

Amber: Ohhh always love this question. So Lilith was actually a biblical character. It’s said that she was the first wife of Adam. She didn’t want to lay with him, and didn’t believe that she was less than him because she was a woman – but that they were equals. So she was cast out and became a demon who would curse men and give them wet dreams.

Amber: We thought it fitting since we’re an all woman band out here fighting for our rights and equality! Feminism at its finest!

And you had a very good video with the title Blood of Lilith.

Tiffany: That was probably my favorite video we have done so far. It became a work of art

Amber: That was such a fun day, Lisa wrote that originally as like a “filler” track for the album, but at that point, it quickly became our favorite and heaviest song. We knew we had to make a video for it, so we sat down and wrote up the story board. Planned for months with our friends and went and spent the weekend in the woods and made it a reality. Just really wanted to portray the power that woman can have, and we’re not to be fucked with lol

Lisa: We went camping and Amber’s husband and my husband filmed it.Amber’s husband does all our videos.

Amber: Evan and Lonn were the videographers on that one, and Evan put it all together and made the video for us!

That’s right, Jizzly Evan is your husband. I like him with short hair and in sailor drag.

Lisa: I knew a good spot where we wouldn’t be bothered. We actually sit down together and write out all the story boards for every video. And we take it frame by frame, so the finished product is very close to the original idea for the song

Who played the cool main woman with the colored eyes in the video?

Lisa: Raven Ventura! She killed it! We were all gasping in awe during her performance- she runs a burlesque group and does fashion shows and stuff with Raven’s Legion.

You also have a new lyric video, for “Bytch Inside”

Lisa: The song is about my alter ego “Bytchin Lisa. ” (It was) a name I went by for 15 years , during my wild youth, but points out I would become her when I drank. She actually held me back more than helping me grow- so the bytch must die… so I could be reborn.

You are the only sober member of the band?

Lisa: Yes I hit my three years sober a couple of weeks ago. But I’ve also done A LOT of drugs. I started very young, so I think it was just time for me to grow out of that phase of my life.

What would you say to your fans that might be attempting/keeping sobriety?

Lisa: That it is possible to change your life. It’s never too late to grow into the person you want to be! If I can do it, anyone can do it.

Ok, now that we got that out of the way, let’s talk about penis. Are the three of you straight cis gender females?

Lisa: I think we’re all bisexual women married to men

Tiffany: I’m a bisexual/queer cis female married to a straight cis male. My relationships with females never lasted very long back in the day, lol.

Then you all enjoy penis, I take it? Why do female mortals create such a fuss about receiving dick pics?

Lisa: Unsolicited

Amber: It’s not the fuss about the dick pic, it’s the fact the guys just think they can send it without asking a female they’ve never met before.

Yes! Those are my favorite! Don’t ask me, just send it and surprise me!

Tiffany: I mean, it would be the same if some girl sent me an unsolicited vag pic. If I want to see what you’ve got going on, I’ll ask for it, lol.

Amber: Exactly! Consent and respect is huuuuge.

Respect is SO mortal!

Lisa: If I were a single woman and I was interested in dating a male, I would require a dick pic…. But some men send it because you decline their advances – or they’re just plain creepy. If a woman wants to see it, she’ll let you know.

But it’s the opposite for men. There’s not a straight man that would not consider it a blessing to receive unsolicited booby pics. And there’s not a gay zombie that would ever turn down a dick pick just randomly being sent to him.

Lisa: I know a few straight men that might think it was gross to receive an unsolicited vag pic…

They are probably gay!

Lisa: I actually remember that happening to a friend once. It reeks of desperation and being desperate is sad- not sexy.

I love desperation. I wish all desperate straight men would send me pictures of their junk.

Lisa: We’ll forward ours to you.

What’s next for the band?

Lisa: We’ re working on our Halloween special for this year. Looking for a date in December to drop the new album.

Tell me about it

Amber: We re-recorded the EP, and the rest of our originals with Talon Dupont of YearWalker studios. It’s called Blood of Lilith “Origins”.

Lisa: It has a lot of different influences, no two songs sound the same. We re-recorded the original four tracks- plus added some from the old set. We finished it off with new material after we made the switch to 7 string guitar playing in lower tuning (drop A).There’s more Viking Metal, Power Metal and Metalcore, and we finally recorded our song about dick pics.We will be filming that video in spring at Black Sky Brewery

Do you have any nauseating positive words you would like to end this interview with?

Tiffany: Tiffany: Never give up on your dreams, don’t take life too seriously, and always stay true to yourself.

Amber: Keep going, try to do what you love. Be open, but protect yourself. And most importantly, have fucking fun. We’ve only got one of these things, so make the most of it.

Lisa: I feel such fulfillment playing with my band mates- it feels like the band I was always meant to play in. I’m so thankful for their sisterhood and looking forward to all the great things we will achieve together!

Photographs by Dthia and The Loaf. Special thanks to Tami, Tyler Mercier and Sinister Star

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